Cognitive Capabilities Team - FIS Internship

Role: User Interface Designer and User Researcher

FIS is a Financial Services Technology company that provides a wide range of financial products and services. The internship was dedicated towards the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbot to support customer services.

Working closely with the cognitive capabilities team, the position was focused on re-designing the user interface of the AI Chatbot and style guide for the interface. User research was created, designed, and conducted to understand and implement user interface feedback from a target audience.


User Interface/Style Guide Designer

My main task during my internship was re-designing the user interface design of the current AI Chatbot with updates that matched the new and coming FIS website branding.

The Cognitive Capabilities Team was making the transition to use both the new FIS style guide and Adobe XD for prototyping. Since I was the first designer to use Adobe XD, I created a style guide to help both developers and designers use Adobe XD when prototyping any new versions of the chatbot.

User Testing.png

User Research

Working with the Marketing Team at FIS, I was able to conduct user research using User Testing to understand the user experience of our AI Chatbot. User Testing is a very useful research tool because they record a user’s screen and audio as they go through designated tasks to finish on the interface.

After designing specific tasks and questions for the AI Chatbot, I coordinated with vendors who regularly use the AI Chatbot to obtain a user testing group.

Once the user research was conducted, I was able to see which interactions and content was confusing and/or misleading. The research results were presented to the team and interface design decisions were implemented from the research results to help improve the Chatbot’s user experience.


All Woman's Hackathon


Zhane Creative